Some of the most joyless soul suckers have to be modern VEGANS.
There is no way faster to ruin a party or a good time than to have just one of these joy suckers into a room. Quickest way to ruin a Shabat dinner? Invite just one vegan. Just one. The moral preening and exaggerated sense of entitlement beggars belief.
I don't care what dietary choices you make, but why do vegans insist on preening and being preachy to the rest of us?Just keep it to yourself and get on with it. But no, they couldn't do that.
Now they want to be a protected 'creed'. Toronto Star.
The other joyless soul suckers news; the Temperance movement philosophy just refuses to lay down and die a well-deserved death. Ever since the Toronto Star turned off comments the paper seems to have become more 'nanny' than news.
There is no way faster to ruin a party or a good time than to have just one of these joy suckers into a room. Quickest way to ruin a Shabat dinner? Invite just one vegan. Just one. The moral preening and exaggerated sense of entitlement beggars belief.
I don't care what dietary choices you make, but why do vegans insist on preening and being preachy to the rest of us?Just keep it to yourself and get on with it. But no, they couldn't do that.
Now they want to be a protected 'creed'. Toronto Star.
Camille Labchuk, executive director of Animal Justice, has been fighting for veganism to be recognized by the Human Rights Code since she was a law student in 2011.“I wouldn’t call it an epidemic, but I do hear cases regularly of people who feel they have faced discrimination for their beliefs about animals,” she said.
Animal Justice believes the updates could assist vegans in cases where students refuse to dissect animals, wear a work uniform with an animal-based component such as a leather belt or even ensure vegans aren’t excluded at work events held at steakhouses. “This is a really big step forward for human rights in Ontario,” said Labchuk. “It protects people like ethical vegans for whom not doing harm is more important than anything.”
Ethical veganism refers to people who not only follow a vegan diet but also extend the philosophy to the rest of their life and oppose harming animals or using any animal by-products.But some critics say ethical vegans may have bitten off more than they can chew.“The Human Rights Commission and the Human Rights Code were put into place to combat real persecution based on a person’s cultural, ethnic or religious affiliation,” wrote Amanda Hohmann, of B’Nai Brith’s League For Human Rights, in an email to the Star. “Should the interpretation of what constitutes creed be broadened to the point where any meaningful protection becomes difficult, this would weaken the effectiveness of existing legislative protections.”
Dominique Clement, a sociology professor at the University of Alberta, said he suspects the Ontario human rights tribunal won’t ever actually recognize veganism, but if it does, it will come down to whether or not accommodating their “creed” is reasonable.“If the person works in a restaurant, for example, and doesn’t have to wear leather, then that is absolutely a legitimate objection,” he said. “On the other hand, if you want to work at Danier, then you can’t ask your employer not to be around leather.”However, he added it’s crucial for human rights law to evolve over time, so there is a chance ethical vegans will one day be recognized.“The idea of veganism as a creed sounds crazy.” he said. “But keep in mind there was a time when the idea that gay people and lesbians have a right to not be discriminated against was equally absurd.”
The other joyless soul suckers news; the Temperance movement philosophy just refuses to lay down and die a well-deserved death. Ever since the Toronto Star turned off comments the paper seems to have become more 'nanny' than news.
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