Life is Belief & Struggle - Ahmed Shawqi

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Mayor of Jerusalem aka Batman

This is the Nir Barkat, the mayor of Jerusalem, (aka known as Batman) walking around the city near Shuafat (an Arab area).

I admit I am jealous. Toronto never has cool mayors. Can you  picture David Miller or John Tory like this? Concerned citizens would have to take away their gun before they hurt themselves with it. Admit it, Rob Ford doing this, would so not be cool. There is nothing cool about an alleged crackie with a gun walking around the city streets. Although, it might finally make a dent in the Police Budget...

It is not a Jew thing either because there is no way Mel Lastman could pull this off. I once met Mel Lastman in the Eaton Centre. He wished me a Chag Sameach, which was kind of awkward, since we were both inside a mall on a Yom Tov, but he is just too tiny.  I felt like a giant standing beside him and I have not cracked 5'4" since I gave up dancing on pointe. Besides, the sneakers, t-shirt and jeans are an incredible hard look to pull off over 50, and still look cool, rather than faded.

I swear its a Sabra thing.

H/T: Rafi

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